Because both nutrients play a role in many aspects of your health, it's important to be sure you're getting enough. This is possible through a healthy and well-balanced diet.
However, some people cannot reach their quota from food alone. When that happens, fat-free supplements are a good way to close the gap and support a healthy weight.
Covering your nutrient needs isn't the only reason to use healthy supplements. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about adding both to your routine.
1. Boost Energy
One of the main symptoms of low iron levels is fatigue and a general lack of energy. Not only can this interfere with your everyday activities, but it can make it difficult to exercise as well.
While foods that contain iron can help, often iron supplements are a quicker and easier way to boost your levels and get them into the normal range.
Iron is also helpful for athletes, particularly women athletes who are at a higher risk of a deficiency. The reason isn't known but could have to do with the amount of oxygen available in red blood cells during exercise.
When it comes to weightlifting supplements, zinc is often overlooked. It helps repair muscles after physical activity and also plays a role in muscle growth.
2. Improves Immunity
One of the top reasons to add zinc supplements to your routine is to boost your immunity. Your immune system keeps you healthy and helps protect you from diseases and illnesses.
A zinc deficiency increases the risk of infection. If you find that you are sick often, you should have your doctor determine your risk of low levels.
A supplement can restore them to a normal range, boosting immunity at the same time. Not only does this keep you from getting mild illnesses like the common cold, but it also prevents more serious health conditions.
Let's talk about that some more.
3. Reduces the Risk of Health Problems
Nutrients play a variety of roles in the body. For that reason, being deficient in any of them can increase the risk of certain health conditions.
Zinc supplementation has been linked to improved antioxidant levels. Antioxidants battle free radicals in the body, which reduces the risk of many diseases and illnesses, from the common cold to cancer to heart disease.
Research also indicates that zinc can help prevent metabolic syndrome. This may be because it controls oxidative stress in the body, which helps lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of diabetes complications.
Iron is also important for good health. Individuals on dialysis can benefit from iron supplements. That's because a dialysis diet is often low in iron and some kidney medications can further lower your levels.
Iron levels are sometimes low in people with ADHD. Adding a supplement to your routine can restore levels and help control symptoms of the condition.
4. Covers Nutrient Needs for Dietary Restrictions
Both zinc and iron are plentiful in meat and other animal products. That includes beef, poultry, pork, fish, and shellfish. It's also available in smaller amounts in eggs, milk, and cheese.
People who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet are at a higher risk of a deficiency. Though some grains, fruits, and vegetables contain the nutrients, a deficiency is still possible.
Using supplements can help fill in the gaps in nutrient intake when combined with a healthy meal plan.
5. Counteracts Certain Medications
Several medications can lower iron levels. By adding a supplement to your routine you can counteract this problem without having to switch medications.
This includes some antibiotics, certain medications to treat acid reflux, ACE inhibitors, and some cholesterol-lowering medications.
If you're taking any of these medications and are experiencing symptoms of low iron, talk to your doctor.
Taking Iron and Zinc Together
It's never a good idea to start taking supplements without talking to your doctor first. Some of them may interfere with medications or with each other.
Some research finds that taking iron and zinc together may not have as much of a positive effect on iron levels as taking iron on its own. However, most studies also found that iron doesn't affect zinc levels.
If you want to supplement with both iron and zinc, talk to your doctor about an appropriate dose of each. Make sure you follow directions carefully so you don't get too much or too little of either nutrient.
It's also a good idea to talk to your doctor before supplementing if you take any medications or have health problems. This allows you to create a plan that supports your overall good health.
Can You Take Too Much?
In some cases, more isn't better. Too much iron can lead to digestive disturbances, low blood pressure, bleeding in the stomach, liver failure, and even death.
Iron toxicity can be more damaging than an iron deficiency so it's vital to follow dosing instructions very carefully.
Too much zinc can lead to digestive disturbances and can lower copper levels. Again, only take the recommended dosage for the best results.
The Takeaway
Both iron and zinc are supplements that can have a healthy place in your routine. They can help ward off health conditions, regulate your levels if you're on medications, and cover your needs if you don't eat meat.
To get the most from your healthy supplements, it's important to get the dosage correct. That means working with your doctor to determine how much you need.
Good quality vitamins are also important. When you're ready to get started, check out our full range of products. Each is designed to help you achieve optimal health. We're here to help.